Thursday, November 10, 2011

Word to the Wise

So word to the wise today is.. DONT PISS MEL OFF... So since deciding to pay full price for the Iphone, I have been calling around to check the availiability in local stores. So first off I call Apple because there is a store right down the road from my house at South HIlls Village. I am sitting on hold waiting my turn when all of a sudden this, what sounds like a young kid says Apple..  There was no Hello this is.. No can I help you.. No nothing just Apple..  1st strike but I over looked that.. Then I say, " I am checking the availability of a white iPhone 4s 16GB". His response, "we only have a few and no Black." Then I say but you do have the white and he says," yeah thats what I said wasn't it."  So strike #2 and then the Italian in me says," Well I was looking to buy one at full price because I am not due for an upgrade but guess what its not gonna be from you."  Then he says but wait and then I said "CLICK"...  That kind of attitude gets you nowhere with me I don't care how busy or miserable you are, you smile on that phone or you don't get my business.. So looks like Verizon will be getting my $650 and so much for that kids comission on that..

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