So the day has progressed from busy to me thinking I might be alittle LOONEY... The story begins as that I am driving home from work and of course like everyday I am stuck in traffic (YAY ME)... So I am sitting and sitting thinking of the many things that I would rather be doing when all of a sudden I rain of sudden fear comes over me. I start to sweat and I feel alittle faint when out of the blue for no apparent reason, I have this overwhelming feeling that my air bag is goin to blow up in my face while sitting in this traffic. I am a very short person and my seat in my jeep is up as far as it will go in order for me to push the clutch into the floor when I shift so if the airbag would go off unexpectedly it would sure break my face..

So no matter what I tried to think about this plaguing feeling of this airbag breaking my face would not leave my mind. So after sitting there for what seemed like 20 minutes of sweat and fear tormenting me, traffic finally starts to move and as I drive down the road getting closer and closer to my driveway my mind goes back and forth with the insanity of not knowing whether I will make it home safely or if I will be picking my head up off the back seat and driving it home to hand to my husband.
So my question is am I going stark raving mad or is it just boredom in my own mind?
Oh girlfriend ....